FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.11 [beta]
由于云驱动的开发和发布的步调与 Kubernetes 项目不同,将服务提供商专用代码抽象到
二进制中有助于云服务厂商在 Kubernetes 核心代码之外独立进行开发。cloud-controller-manager可以被链接到任何满足cloudprovider.Interface约束的云服务提供商。 为了兼容旧版本,Kubernetes核心项目中提供的cloud-controller-manager使用和kube-controller-manager相同的云服务类库。 已经在 Kubernetes 核心项目中支持的云服务提供商预计将通过使用in-tree的cloud-controller-manager过渡为非 Kubernetes核心代码。
- 一定不要为 kube-apiserver 和 kube-controller-manager 指定 –cloud-provider 标志。 这将保证它们不会运行任何云服务专用循环逻辑,这将会由云管理控制器运行。未来这个标记将被废弃并去除。
- kubelet 必须使用 –cloud-provider=external 运行。 这是为了保证让 kubelet 知道在执行任何任务前, 它必须被云管理控制器初始化。
- 指定了
的kubelet将被添加一个 node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized的污点,导致其在初始化过程中不可调度(NoSchedule)。 这将标记该节点在能够正常调度前,需要外部的控制器进行二次初始化。 请注意,如果云管理控制器不可用,集群中的新节点会一直处于不可调度的状态。 这个污点很重要,因为调度器可能需要关于节点的云服务特定的信息,比如他们的区域或类型(高端 CPU、GPU 支持、内存较大、临时实例等)。 - 集群中节点的云服务信息将不再能够从本地元数据中获取,取而代之的是所有获取节点信息的API调用都将通过云管理控制器。 这意味着你可以通过限制到 kubelet 云服务 API 的访问来提升安全性。 在更大的集群中你可能需要考虑云管理控制器是否会遇到速率限制,因为它现在负责集群中几乎所有到云服务的API调用。
- 节点控制器 - 负责使用云服务API更新kubernetes节点并删除在云服务上已经删除的kubernetes节点。
- 服务控制器 - 负责在云服务上为类型为LoadBalancer的service提供负载均衡器。
- 路由控制器 - 负责在云服务上配置网络路由。
- 如果你使用的是 out-of-tree 提供商,请按需实现其余任意特性。
组件 cloud-controller-manager 是 云控制器管理器是 1.8 的 alpha 特性。 在未来发布的版本中,这是将 Kubernetes 与任何其他云集成的最佳方式。 Kubernetes v1.6 包含一个新的可执行文件叫做 cloud-controller-manager。 cloud-controller-manager 是一个守护进程,其中嵌入了特定于某云环境的控制环。 这些特定于云环境的控制环最初位于 kube-controller-manager 中。 由于云供应商的开发和发布节奏与Kubernetes项目不同步,将特定于供应商的代码抽象到cloud-controller-manager可执行文件可以允许云供应商独立于核心 Kubernetes 代码进行演进。
由于云驱动的开发和发布与 Kubernetes 项目本身步调不同,将特定于云环境的代码抽象到cloud-controller-manager二进制组件有助于云厂商独立于Kubernetes核心代码推进其驱动开发。
Kubernetes项目提供cloud-controller-manager的框架代码,其中包含Go语言的接口,便于你(或者你的云驱动提供者)接驳你自己的实现。 这意味着每个云驱动可以通过从 Kubernetes 核心代码导入软件包来实现一个cloud-controller-manager; 每个云驱动会通过调用
接口来注册其自身实现代码,从而更新 记录可用云驱动的全局变量。
Out of Tree
要为你的云环境构建一个 out-of-tree 云控制器管理器:
- 使用满足
的实现创建一个Go语言包。 - 使用来自Kubernetes核心代码库的
作为main.go的模板。如上所述,唯一的区别应该是将导入的云包。 - 在main.go中导入你的云包,确保你的包有一个init块来运行cloudprovider.RegisterCloudProvider。
In Tree
对于in-tree驱动,你可以将 in-tree 云控制器管理器作为群集中的 Daemonset 来运行。 有关详细信息,请参阅云控制器管理器管理。
注册cloud provider
# github.com/rancher/rancher-cloud-controller-manager/main.go
_ "github.com/rancher/rancher-cloud-controller-manager/rancher"
init函数里实现注册cloud provider
# github.com/rancher/rancher-cloud-controller-manager/rancher/rancher.go
func init() {
cloudprovider.RegisterCloudProvider(providerName, func(config io.Reader) (cloudprovider.Interface, error) {
return newRancherCloud(config)
providers map结构记录cloud provider名字与provider具体实现对象的映射关系
// All registered cloud providers.
var (
providersMutex sync.Mutex
providers = make(map[string]Factory)
// RegisterCloudProvider registers a cloudprovider.Factory by name. This
// is expected to happen during app startup.
func RegisterCloudProvider(name string, cloud Factory) {
defer providersMutex.Unlock()
if _, found := providers[name]; found {
glog.Fatalf("Cloud provider %q was registered twice", name)
glog.V(1).Infof("Registered cloud provider %q", name)
providers[name] = cloud
获取对应cloud provider具体实现的对象
func main() {
s := options.NewCloudControllerManagerServer()
defer logs.FlushLogs()
cloud, err := cloudprovider.InitCloudProvider("rancher", s.CloudConfigFile)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Cloud provider could not be initialized: %v", err)
if err := app.Run(s, cloud); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
最终在app.Run -> StartControllers
实现cloud provider
要扩展一个新的cloud provider,就要实现cloudprovider.Interface里定义的函数,cloudprovider.Interface定义如下:
# k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/cloudprovider/cloud.go
// Interface is an abstract, pluggable interface for cloud providers.
type Interface interface {
// Initialize provides the cloud with a kubernetes client builder and may spawn goroutines
// to perform housekeeping activities within the cloud provider.
Initialize(clientBuilder controller.ControllerClientBuilder)
// LoadBalancer returns a balancer interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
LoadBalancer() (LoadBalancer, bool)
// Instances returns an instances interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Instances() (Instances, bool)
// Zones returns a zones interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Zones() (Zones, bool)
// Clusters returns a clusters interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Clusters() (Clusters, bool)
// Routes returns a routes interface along with whether the interface is supported.
Routes() (Routes, bool)
// ProviderName returns the cloud provider ID.
ProviderName() string
// ScrubDNS provides an opportunity for cloud-provider-specific code to process DNS settings for pods.
ScrubDNS(nameservers, searches []string) (nsOut, srchOut []string)
// LoadBalancer is an abstract, pluggable interface for load balancers.
type LoadBalancer interface {
// TODO: Break this up into different interfaces (LB, etc) when we have more than one type of service
// GetLoadBalancer returns whether the specified load balancer exists, and
// if so, what its status is.
// Implementations must treat the *v1.Service parameter as read-only and not modify it.
// Parameter 'clusterName' is the name of the cluster as presented to kube-controller-manager
GetLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service) (status *v1.LoadBalancerStatus, exists bool, err error)
// EnsureLoadBalancer creates a new load balancer 'name', or updates the existing one. Returns the status of the balancer
// Implementations must treat the *v1.Service and *v1.Node
// parameters as read-only and not modify them.
// Parameter 'clusterName' is the name of the cluster as presented to kube-controller-manager
EnsureLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error)
// UpdateLoadBalancer updates hosts under the specified load balancer.
// Implementations must treat the *v1.Service and *v1.Node
// parameters as read-only and not modify them.
// Parameter 'clusterName' is the name of the cluster as presented to kube-controller-manager
UpdateLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) error
// EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted deletes the specified load balancer if it
// exists, returning nil if the load balancer specified either didn't exist or
// was successfully deleted.
// This construction is useful because many cloud providers' load balancers
// have multiple underlying components, meaning a Get could say that the LB
// doesn't exist even if some part of it is still laying around.
// Implementations must treat the *v1.Service parameter as read-only and not modify it.
// Parameter 'clusterName' is the name of the cluster as presented to kube-controller-manager
EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted(clusterName string, service *v1.Service) error
// Instances is an abstract, pluggable interface for sets of instances.
type Instances interface {
// NodeAddresses returns the addresses of the specified instance.
// TODO(roberthbailey): This currently is only used in such a way that it
// returns the address of the calling instance. We should do a rename to
// make this clearer.
NodeAddresses(name types.NodeName) ([]v1.NodeAddress, error)
// NodeAddressesByProviderID returns the addresses of the specified instance.
// The instance is specified using the providerID of the node. The
// ProviderID is a unique identifier of the node. This will not be called
// from the node whose nodeaddresses are being queried. i.e. local metadata
// services cannot be used in this method to obtain nodeaddresses
NodeAddressesByProviderID(providerId string) ([]v1.NodeAddress, error)
// ExternalID returns the cloud provider ID of the node with the specified NodeName.
// Note that if the instance does not exist or is no longer running, we must return ("", cloudprovider.InstanceNotFound)
ExternalID(nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
// InstanceID returns the cloud provider ID of the node with the specified NodeName.
InstanceID(nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
// InstanceType returns the type of the specified instance.
InstanceType(name types.NodeName) (string, error)
// InstanceTypeByProviderID returns the type of the specified instance.
InstanceTypeByProviderID(providerID string) (string, error)
// AddSSHKeyToAllInstances adds an SSH public key as a legal identity for all instances
// expected format for the key is standard ssh-keygen format: <protocol> <blob>
AddSSHKeyToAllInstances(user string, keyData []byte) error
// CurrentNodeName returns the name of the node we are currently running on
// On most clouds (e.g. GCE) this is the hostname, so we provide the hostname
CurrentNodeName(hostname string) (types.NodeName, error)
// Zones is an abstract, pluggable interface for zone enumeration.
type Zones interface {
// GetZone returns the Zone containing the current failure zone and locality region that the program is running in
GetZone() (Zone, error)
// Clusters is an abstract, pluggable interface for clusters of containers.
type Clusters interface {
// ListClusters lists the names of the available clusters.
ListClusters() ([]string, error)
// Master gets back the address (either DNS name or IP address) of the master node for the cluster.
Master(clusterName string) (string, error)
// Routes is an abstract, pluggable interface for advanced routing rules.
type Routes interface {
// ListRoutes lists all managed routes that belong to the specified clusterName
ListRoutes(clusterName string) ([]*Route, error)
// CreateRoute creates the described managed route
// route.Name will be ignored, although the cloud-provider may use nameHint
// to create a more user-meaningful name.
CreateRoute(clusterName string, nameHint string, route *Route) error
// DeleteRoute deletes the specified managed route
// Route should be as returned by ListRoutes
DeleteRoute(clusterName string, route *Route) error
- https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/running-cloud-controller/
- https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/developing-cloud-controller-manager/