访问k8s apiserver有集群内和集群外两种方式,集群外方式常见的是加载一个kubeconfig配置;集群内方式通过service account+rbac授权访问,走的是 default/kubernetes service来访问
default/kubernetes service是由apiserver来管理的,删除也是删除不掉的.
# kubectl get service kubernetes
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 5h8m
# kubectl get endpoints kubernetes
kubernetes, 5h8m
default命名空间下kubernetes service和kubernetes endpoint这块逻辑是由bootstrap-controller实现的;
# k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/server.go
Run -> CreateServerChain -> CreateKubeAPIServer -> kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New -> InstallLegacyAPI
// InstallLegacyAPI will install the legacy APIs for the restStorageProviders if they are enabled.
func (m *Master) InstallLegacyAPI(c *completedConfig, restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, legacyRESTStorageProvider corerest.LegacyRESTStorageProvider) error {
legacyRESTStorage, apiGroupInfo, err := legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building core storage: %v", err)
controllerName := "bootstrap-controller"
coreClient := corev1client.NewForConfigOrDie(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
bootstrapController := c.NewBootstrapController(legacyRESTStorage, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient.RESTClient())
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PostStartHook)
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPreShutdownHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PreShutdownHook)
if err := m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup(genericapiserver.DefaultLegacyAPIPrefix, &apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in registering group versions: %v", err)
return nil
prepared.Run -> preparedGenericAPIServer.Run -> NonBlockingRun -> RunPostStartHooks
-> RunPreShutdownHooks
// PostStartHook initiates the core controller loops that must exist for bootstrapping.
func (c *Controller) PostStartHook(hookContext genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
return nil
// Start begins the core controller loops that must exist for bootstrapping
// a cluster.
func (c *Controller) Start() {
if c.runner != nil {
// Reconcile during first run removing itself until server is ready.
endpointPorts := createEndpointPortSpec(c.PublicServicePort, "https", c.ExtraEndpointPorts)
if err := c.EndpointReconciler.RemoveEndpoints(kubernetesServiceName, c.PublicIP, endpointPorts); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Unable to remove old endpoints from kubernetes service: %v", err)
// SecondaryServiceClusterIPRange为IPV6栈
repairClusterIPs := servicecontroller.NewRepair(c.ServiceClusterIPInterval, c.ServiceClient, c.EventClient, &c.ServiceClusterIPRange, c.ServiceClusterIPRegistry, &c.SecondaryServiceClusterIPRange, c.SecondaryServiceClusterIPRegistry)
repairNodePorts := portallocatorcontroller.NewRepair(c.ServiceNodePortInterval, c.ServiceClient, c.EventClient, c.ServiceNodePortRange, c.ServiceNodePortRegistry)
// run all of the controllers once prior to returning from Start.
if err := repairClusterIPs.RunOnce(); err != nil {
// If we fail to repair cluster IPs apiserver is useless. We should restart and retry.
klog.Fatalf("Unable to perform initial IP allocation check: %v", err)
if err := repairNodePorts.RunOnce(); err != nil {
// If we fail to repair node ports apiserver is useless. We should restart and retry.
klog.Fatalf("Unable to perform initial service nodePort check: %v", err)
c.runner = async.NewRunner(c.RunKubernetesNamespaces, c.RunKubernetesService, repairClusterIPs.RunUntil, repairNodePorts.RunUntil)
- 判断异步运行器是否运行,已运行就直接返回
- 创建endpoint port列表
- 首次运行的时候移除旧的endpoint, EndpointReconciler类型是leaseEndpointReconciler(在apiserver启动过程NewServerRunOptions定义)
- repairClusterIPsk控制器确保所有ClusterIP独一无二分配
- repairNodePorts控制器确保所有NodePort独一无二分配
- 启动异步运行器,传入的参数是需要循环执行的函数,包含RunKubernetesNamespaces、RunKubernetesService、repairClusterIPs.RunUntil和repairNodePorts.RunUntil
// RunKubernetesNamespaces periodically makes sure that all internal namespaces exist
func (c *Controller) RunKubernetesNamespaces(ch chan struct{}) {
wait.Until(func() {
// Loop the system namespace list, and create them if they do not exist
for _, ns := range c.SystemNamespaces {
if err := createNamespaceIfNeeded(c.NamespaceClient, ns); err != nil {
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to create required kubernetes system namespace %s: %v", ns, err))
}, c.SystemNamespacesInterval, ch)
二、RunKubernetesServicez周期性更新kubernetes service
// RunKubernetesService periodically updates the kubernetes service
func (c *Controller) RunKubernetesService(ch chan struct{}) {
// wait until process is ready
// 健康检查
wait.PollImmediateUntil(100*time.Millisecond, func() (bool, error) {
var code int
return code == http.StatusOK, nil
}, ch)
wait.NonSlidingUntil(func() {
// Service definition is not reconciled after first
// run, ports and type will be corrected only during
// start.
if err := c.UpdateKubernetesService(false); err != nil {
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to sync kubernetes service: %v", err))
}, c.EndpointInterval, ch)
// UpdateKubernetesService attempts to update the default Kube service.
func (c *Controller) UpdateKubernetesService(reconcile bool) error {
// Update service & endpoint records.
// TODO: when it becomes possible to change this stuff,
// stop polling and start watching.
// TODO: add endpoints of all replicas, not just the elected master.
// 创建default命名空间
if err := createNamespaceIfNeeded(c.NamespaceClient, metav1.NamespaceDefault); err != nil {
return err
// kubernetes service port也可以用nodePort暴露,即指定--kubernetes-service-node-port参数即可
servicePorts, serviceType := createPortAndServiceSpec(c.ServicePort, c.PublicServicePort, c.KubernetesServiceNodePort, "https", c.ExtraServicePorts)
// 创建kubernetes service
if err := c.CreateOrUpdateMasterServiceIfNeeded(kubernetesServiceName, c.ServiceIP, servicePorts, serviceType, reconcile); err != nil {
return err
// c.PublicIP可以由--advertise-address指定
endpointPorts := createEndpointPortSpec(c.PublicServicePort, "https", c.ExtraEndpointPorts)
if err := c.EndpointReconciler.ReconcileEndpoints(kubernetesServiceName, c.PublicIP, endpointPorts, reconcile); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ReconcileEndpoints lists keys in a special etcd directory.
// Each key is expected to have a TTL of R+n, where R is the refresh interval
// at which this function is called, and n is some small value. If an
// apiserver goes down, it will fail to refresh its key's TTL and the key will
// expire. ReconcileEndpoints will notice that the endpoints object is
// different from the directory listing, and update the endpoints object
// accordingly.
func (r *leaseEndpointReconciler) ReconcileEndpoints(serviceName string, ip net.IP, endpointPorts []corev1.EndpointPort, reconcilePorts bool) error {
defer r.reconcilingLock.Unlock()
// 停止bootstra-controller的时候调用PreShutdownHook触发
if r.stopReconcilingCalled {
return nil
// Refresh the TTL on our key, independently of whether any error or
// update conflict happens below. This makes sure that at least some of
// the masters will add our endpoint.
// 更新etcd中的lease信息,key结构形式:path.Join(s.baseKey, ip),其中baseKey为"/masterleases/"
if err := r.masterLeases.UpdateLease(ip.String()); err != nil {
return err
return r.doReconcile(serviceName, endpointPorts, reconcilePorts)
func (r *leaseEndpointReconciler) doReconcile(serviceName string, endpointPorts []corev1.EndpointPort, reconcilePorts bool) error {
// 获取endpoint
e, err := r.epAdapter.Get(corev1.NamespaceDefault, serviceName, metav1.GetOptions{})
shouldCreate := false
if err != nil {
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
// 是找不到该资源的话,就新建
shouldCreate = true
e = &corev1.Endpoints{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: serviceName,
Namespace: corev1.NamespaceDefault,
// ... and the list of master IP keys from etcd
// 从etcd中获取/masterleases/下所有apiserver的ip
masterIPs, err := r.masterLeases.ListLeases()
if err != nil {
return err
// Since we just refreshed our own key, assume that zero endpoints
// returned from storage indicates an issue or invalid state, and thus do
// not update the endpoints list based on the result.
if len(masterIPs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no master IPs were listed in storage, refusing to erase all endpoints for the kubernetes service")
// Next, we compare the current list of endpoints with the list of master IP keys
// 1. 检测endpoint中的subnet个数是否为1, 不为1,返回formatCorrect=false
// 2. 对比endpoint中subnet Addresses和etcd中apiserver ip,不匹配的话返回ipsCorrect=false
// 3. reconcilePorts为false, 返回portsCorrect=true
formatCorrect, ipCorrect, portsCorrect := checkEndpointSubsetFormatWithLease(e, masterIPs, endpointPorts, reconcilePorts)
if formatCorrect && ipCorrect && portsCorrect {
// 如果都为true的话,确保生成对应的EndpointSlice
return r.epAdapter.EnsureEndpointSliceFromEndpoints(corev1.NamespaceDefault, e)
// 如果formatCorrect为false, 清空Subsets
if !formatCorrect {
// Something is egregiously wrong, just re-make the endpoints record.
e.Subsets = []corev1.EndpointSubset{{
// 如果formatCorrect或ipCorrect为false,以etcd中apiserver IP为准更新到endpoint subnets
if !formatCorrect || !ipCorrect {
// repopulate the addresses according to the expected IPs from etcd
e.Subsets[0].Addresses = make([]corev1.EndpointAddress, len(masterIPs))
for ind, ip := range masterIPs {
e.Subsets[0].Addresses[ind] = corev1.EndpointAddress{IP: ip, NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr(ip)}
// Lexicographic order is retained by this step.
// 对EndpointSubset中Addresses、NotReadyAddresses、Ports进行归类,排序
e.Subsets = endpointsv1.RepackSubsets(e.Subsets)
if !portsCorrect {
// Reset ports.
e.Subsets[0].Ports = endpointPorts
klog.Warningf("Resetting endpoints for master service %q to %v", serviceName, masterIPs)
// 创建对应的endpoint
if shouldCreate {
if _, err = r.epAdapter.Create(corev1.NamespaceDefault, e); errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
err = nil
} else {
// 已存在,就更新
_, err = r.epAdapter.Update(corev1.NamespaceDefault, e)
return err
三、repairClusterIPs.RunUntil, 确保所有ClusterIP独一无二分配
repairClusterIPs.RunUntil -> c.RunOnce() -> c.runOnce
# k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/registry/core/service/ipallocator/controller/repair.go
type Range struct {
net *net.IPNet
// base is a cached version of the start IP in the CIDR range as a *big.Int
base *big.Int
// max is the maximum size of the usable addresses in the range
max int
alloc allocator.Interface
// runOnce verifies the state of the cluster IP allocations and returns an error if an unrecoverable problem occurs.
func (c *Repair) runOnce() error {
// TODO: (per smarterclayton) if Get() or ListServices() is a weak consistency read,
// or if they are executed against different leaders,
// the ordering guarantee required to ensure no IP is allocated twice is violated.
// ListServices must return a ResourceVersion higher than the etcd index Get triggers,
// and the release code must not release services that have had IPs allocated but not yet been created
// See #8295
// If etcd server is not running we should wait for some time and fail only then. This is particularly
// important when we start apiserver and etcd at the same time.
var snapshot *api.RangeAllocation
var secondarySnapshot *api.RangeAllocation
var stored, secondaryStored ipallocator.Interface
var err, secondaryErr error
err = wait.PollImmediate(time.Second, 10*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
var err error
// 从etcd中获取已分配的ClusterCIDR
snapshot, err = c.alloc.Get()
if err != nil {
return false, err
// 如果开启支持ipv6栈,并设置ipv6 cidr
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() {
// 从etcd中获取已分配的ipv6 ClusterCIDR
secondarySnapshot, err = c.secondaryAlloc.Get()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to refresh the service IP block: %v", err)
// If not yet initialized.
if snapshot.Range == "" {
// 赋值ServiceClusterIPRange
snapshot.Range = c.network.String()
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() && secondarySnapshot.Range == "" {
// 赋值SecondaryServiceClusterIPRange
secondarySnapshot.Range = c.secondaryNetwork.String()
// Create an allocator because it is easy to use.
// 从snapshot中计算网络段Range, 初始化ipv4地址分配器
// Range is a contiguous block of IPs that can be allocated atomically.
// The internal structure of the range is:
// For CIDR
// 254 addresses usable out of 256 total (minus base and broadcast IPs)
// The number of usable addresses is r.max
// CIDR base IP CIDR broadcast IP
// | |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... ... 253 254 255
// | |
// r.base r.base + r.max
// | |
// offset #0 of r.allocated last offset of r.allocated
stored, err = ipallocator.NewFromSnapshot(snapshot)
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() {
// 从secondarySnapshot中计算ipv6网络段Range, 初始化ipv6地址分配器
secondaryStored, secondaryErr = ipallocator.NewFromSnapshot(secondarySnapshot)
if err != nil || secondaryErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to rebuild allocator from snapshots: %v", err)
// We explicitly send no resource version, since the resource version
// of 'snapshot' is from a different collection, it's not comparable to
// the service collection. The caching layer keeps per-collection RVs,
// and this is proper, since in theory the collections could be hosted
// in separate etcd (or even non-etcd) instances.
// 获取所有命名空间的service
list, err := c.serviceClient.Services(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to refresh the service IP block: %v", err)
var rebuilt, secondaryRebuilt *ipallocator.Range
// 不再从snapshot计算range, 直接创建cidr range
rebuilt, err = ipallocator.NewCIDRRange(c.network)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create CIDR range: %v", err)
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() {
// 直接创建ipv6 cidr range
secondaryRebuilt, err = ipallocator.NewCIDRRange(c.secondaryNetwork)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create CIDR range: %v", err)
// Check every Service's ClusterIP, and rebuild the state as we think it should be.
for _, svc := range list.Items {
if !helper.IsServiceIPSet(&svc) {
// 是否是有效的clusterIP
// didn't need a cluster IP
ip := net.ParseIP(svc.Spec.ClusterIP)
if ip == nil {
// clusterIP解析失败
// cluster IP is corrupt
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "ClusterIPNotValid", "Cluster IP %s is not a valid IP; please recreate service", svc.Spec.ClusterIP)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the cluster IP %s for service %s/%s is not a valid IP; please recreate", svc.Spec.ClusterIP, svc.Name, svc.Namespace))
// mark it as in-use
// 根据ip选择ipv4或ipv6地址分配器
actualAlloc := c.selectAllocForIP(ip, rebuilt, secondaryRebuilt)
switch err := actualAlloc.Allocate(ip); err {
case nil:
actualStored := c.selectAllocForIP(ip, stored, secondaryStored)
// 检查ip是否泄露
if actualStored.Has(ip) {
// remove it from the old set, so we can find leaks
} else {
// cluster IP doesn't seem to be allocated
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "ClusterIPNotAllocated", "Cluster IP %s is not allocated; repairing", ip)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the cluster IP %s for service %s/%s is not allocated; repairing", ip, svc.Name, svc.Namespace))
delete(c.leaks, ip.String()) // it is used, so it can't be leaked
// 检查ip是否重复
case ipallocator.ErrAllocated:
// cluster IP is duplicate
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "ClusterIPAlreadyAllocated", "Cluster IP %s was assigned to multiple services; please recreate service", ip)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the cluster IP %s for service %s/%s was assigned to multiple services; please recreate", ip, svc.Name, svc.Namespace))
// 检查ip是否超出范围
case err.(*ipallocator.ErrNotInRange):
// cluster IP is out of range
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "ClusterIPOutOfRange", "Cluster IP %s is not within the service CIDR %s; please recreate service", ip, c.network)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the cluster IP %s for service %s/%s is not within the service CIDR %s; please recreate", ip, svc.Name, svc.Namespace, c.network))
// 检查ip是否分配完
case ipallocator.ErrFull:
// somehow we are out of IPs
cidr := actualAlloc.CIDR()
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "ServiceCIDRFull", "Service CIDR %v is full; you must widen the CIDR in order to create new services", cidr)
return fmt.Errorf("the service CIDR %v is full; you must widen the CIDR in order to create new services", cidr)
c.recorder.Eventf(&svc, v1.EventTypeWarning, "UnknownError", "Unable to allocate cluster IP %s due to an unknown error", ip)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to allocate cluster IP %s for service %s/%s due to an unknown error, exiting: %v", ip, svc.Name, svc.Namespace, err)
// 再次检查是否有ip泄露
c.checkLeaked(stored, rebuilt)
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() {
c.checkLeaked(secondaryStored, secondaryRebuilt)
// 更新etcd中的快照
// Blast the rebuilt state into storage.
err = c.saveSnapShot(rebuilt, c.alloc, snapshot)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.shouldWorkOnSecondary() {
err := c.saveSnapShot(secondaryRebuilt, c.secondaryAlloc, secondarySnapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil
repairNodePorts.RunUntil -> c.RunOnce() -> c.runOnce
// runOnce verifies the state of the port allocations and returns an error if an unrecoverable problem occurs.
func (c *Repair) runOnce() error {
// TODO: (per smarterclayton) if Get() or ListServices() is a weak consistency read,
// or if they are executed against different leaders,
// the ordering guarantee required to ensure no port is allocated twice is violated.
// ListServices must return a ResourceVersion higher than the etcd index Get triggers,
// and the release code must not release services that have had ports allocated but not yet been created
// See #8295
// If etcd server is not running we should wait for some time and fail only then. This is particularly
// important when we start apiserver and etcd at the same time.
var snapshot *api.RangeAllocation
// 从etcd中获取快照
err := wait.PollImmediate(time.Second, 10*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
var err error
snapshot, err = c.alloc.Get()
return err == nil, err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to refresh the port allocations: %v", err)
// If not yet initialized.
if snapshot.Range == "" {
snapshot.Range = c.portRange.String()
// Create an allocator because it is easy to use.
// 根据获取端口分配范围
stored, err := portallocator.NewFromSnapshot(snapshot)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to rebuild allocator from snapshot: %v", err)
// We explicitly send no resource version, since the resource version
// of 'snapshot' is from a different collection, it's not comparable to
// the service collection. The caching layer keeps per-collection RVs,
// and this is proper, since in theory the collections could be hosted
// in separate etcd (or even non-etcd) instances.
// 获取所有命名空间的service
list, err := c.serviceClient.Services(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to refresh the port block: %v", err)
// 直接创建PortAllocator对象
rebuilt, err := portallocator.NewPortAllocator(c.portRange)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create port allocator: %v", err)
// Check every Service's ports, and rebuild the state as we think it should be.
for i := range list.Items {
svc := &list.Items[i]
ports := collectServiceNodePorts(svc)
if len(ports) == 0 {
for _, port := range ports {
switch err := rebuilt.Allocate(port); err {
// 检查是否有端口泄露
case nil:
if stored.Has(port) {
// remove it from the old set, so we can find leaks
} else {
// doesn't seem to be allocated
c.recorder.Eventf(svc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "PortNotAllocated", "Port %d is not allocated; repairing", port)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the node port %d for service %s/%s is not allocated; repairing", port, svc.Name, svc.Namespace))
delete(c.leaks, port) // it is used, so it can't be leaked
// 检查是否端口重复
case portallocator.ErrAllocated:
// port is duplicate, reallocate
c.recorder.Eventf(svc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "PortAlreadyAllocated", "Port %d was assigned to multiple services; please recreate service", port)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the node port %d for service %s/%s was assigned to multiple services; please recreate", port, svc.Name, svc.Namespace))
// 检查是否端口超出范围
case err.(*portallocator.ErrNotInRange):
// port is out of range, reallocate
c.recorder.Eventf(svc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "PortOutOfRange", "Port %d is not within the port range %s; please recreate service", port, c.portRange)
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the port %d for service %s/%s is not within the port range %s; please recreate", port, svc.Name, svc.Namespace, c.portRange))
// 检查是否端口分配完了
case portallocator.ErrFull:
// somehow we are out of ports
c.recorder.Eventf(svc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "PortRangeFull", "Port range %s is full; you must widen the port range in order to create new services", c.portRange)
return fmt.Errorf("the port range %s is full; you must widen the port range in order to create new services", c.portRange)
c.recorder.Eventf(svc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, "UnknownError", "Unable to allocate port %d due to an unknown error", port)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to allocate port %d for service %s/%s due to an unknown error, exiting: %v", port, svc.Name, svc.Namespace, err)
// Check for ports that are left in the old set. They appear to have been leaked.
// 检查是否端口泄露
stored.ForEach(func(port int) {
count, found := c.leaks[port]
switch {
case !found:
// flag it to be cleaned up after any races (hopefully) are gone
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the node port %d may have leaked: flagging for later clean up", port))
count = numRepairsBeforeLeakCleanup - 1
case count > 0:
// pretend it is still in use until count expires
c.leaks[port] = count - 1
if err := rebuilt.Allocate(port); err != nil {
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the node port %d may have leaked, but can not be allocated: %v", port, err))
// do not add it to the rebuilt set, which means it will be available for reuse
runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("the node port %d appears to have leaked: cleaning up", port))
// Blast the rebuilt state into storage.
// 更新etcd中的快照
if err := rebuilt.Snapshot(snapshot); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to snapshot the updated port allocations: %v", err)
if err := c.alloc.CreateOrUpdate(snapshot); err != nil {
if errors.IsConflict(err) {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unable to persist the updated port allocations: %v", err)
return nil
// PreShutdownHook triggers the actions needed to shut down the API Server cleanly.
func (c *Controller) PreShutdownHook() error {
return nil
// Stop cleans up this API Servers endpoint reconciliation leases so another master can take over more quickly.
func (c *Controller) Stop() {
if c.runner != nil {
endpointPorts := createEndpointPortSpec(c.PublicServicePort, "https", c.ExtraEndpointPorts)
finishedReconciling := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(finishedReconciling)
klog.Infof("Shutting down kubernetes service endpoint reconciler")
// 移除对应的endpoint
if err := c.EndpointReconciler.RemoveEndpoints(kubernetesServiceName, c.PublicIP, endpointPorts); err != nil {
select {
case <-finishedReconciling:
// done
case <-time.After(2 * c.EndpointInterval):
// don't block server shutdown forever if we can't reach etcd to remove ourselves
klog.Warning("RemoveEndpoints() timed out")