k8s版本: v1.18.8
什么是Scheduler Framework
Scheduler Framework在Kubernetes v1.15版本中作为alpha功能引入,调度框架是Kubernetes Scheduler的可插拔架构,可简化调度程序的自定义。 它将一组新的“插件” API添加到现有的调度程序中。 插件被编译到调度程序中。 这些API允许大多数调度功能实现为插件,同时使调度“核心”保持简单且可维护。 有关该框架设计的更多技术信息,请参阅调度框架的设计建议。
Scheduler Framework工作流程
调度框架定义了一些扩展点。 Scheduler插件注册以在一个或多个扩展点处调用。 这些插件中的一些可以更改调度决策,而某些仅提供信息。
调度周期为Pod选择一个节点,绑定周期将该决定应用于集群。 调度周期和绑定周期一起被称为“调度上下文”。
如果确定Pod不可调度或存在内部错误,则可以中止调度或绑定周期。 Pod将返回队列并重试。
下图显示了Pod的调度上下文以及调度框架公开的扩展点。 在这张图中,Filter等价于预选(Predicate),Scoring等价于优选(Priority function). 在这些扩展点中的一个或多个扩展点处注册了要调用的插件。 在以下部分中,我们将按照每个扩展点的调用顺序对其进行描述。
这些插件用于对调度队列中的Pod进行排序。queue sort插件实质上提供了Less(Pod1,Pod2)函数。一次只能启用一个queue sort插件
这些插件用于过滤无法运行Pod的节点。对于每个节点,调度程序将按其配置顺序调用filter插件。 如果有任何过滤器插件将该节点标记为不可行,则不会为该节点调用其余插件。节点可以被并发评估
这些插件在Filter阶段之后被调用,但是仅在找不到可行节点时该节点才被调用。 插件按其配置顺序调用。 如果有任何postFilter插件将节点标记为Schedulable,则不会调用其余的插件。 一个典型的PostFilter实现是抢占,它试图通过抢占其他Pod来使Pod可调度
这些插件用于对已通过filter阶段的节点进行排名。调度程序将为每个节点调用每个scoring插件。 将有一个定义明确的整数范围,代表最低分和最高分。在NormalizeScore阶段之后,调度程序将根据配置的插件权重合并所有插件的节点分数
这些插件用于在调度程序计算节点的最终排名之前修改分数。注册此扩展点的插件将与同一插件的得分结果一起调用。每个插件每个调度周期调用一次。 如果任何NormalizeScore插件返回错误,则调度周期将中止。(希望执行"pre-reserve"工作的插件应使用NormalizeScore扩展点)
实现Reserve扩展的插件有两种方法,即Reserve和Unreserve,分别支持两个信息调度阶段,分别称为Reserve和Unreserve。 当为给定Pod保留和不保留节点上的资源时,维护运行时状态的插件(也称为"有状态插件")应使用这些阶段, 由调度程序通知。
Reserve阶段发生在调度程序实际将Pod绑定到其指定节点之前。它的存在是为了防止调度程序在等待绑定成功时出现争用情况。 每个Reserve插件的Reserve方法可能成功或失败;如果一个Reserve方法调用失败,则不执行后续插件,并且Reserve阶段被视为失败。 如果所有插件的Reserve方法都成功,则认为Reserve阶段成功,并且将执行其余的调度周期和绑定周期。
如果Reserve阶段或后续阶段失败,则会触发Unreserve阶段。发生这种情况时,将以与Reserve方法调用相反的顺序执行所有Reserve插件的Unreserve方法。 存在该阶段以清除与保留的Pod相关联的状态。(Reserve插件中Unreserve方法的实现必须是幂等的,并且不会失败)
在每个Pod的调度周期结束时,将调用Permit插件,以防止或延迟与候选节点的绑定。 permit插件可以执行以下三项操作之一:
如果任何permit插件拒绝Pod,则将其返回到调度队列。 这将触发Reserve插件中的Unreserve阶段。
wait(with a timeout)
如果Permit插件返回"wait",则Pod会保留在内部的"waiting" Pods列表中,此Pod的绑定周期开始,但会直接阻塞,直到获得批准为止。 如果发生超时,wait将变为deny,并且Pod将返回到调度队列,从而触发Reserve插件中的Unreserve阶段。
注意:尽管任何插件都可以访问"waiting"的Pod列表并进行批准(请参阅FrameworkHandle,但我们希望只有permit插件才能批准处于"waiting"状态的保留Pod的绑定。 批准Pod后,将其发送到PreBind阶段
这些插件用于执行绑定Pod之前所需的任何工作。 例如,PreBind插件可以设置网络卷并将其挂载在目标节点上,然后再允许Pod在此处运行。
这些插件用于将Pod绑定到节点。 在所有PreBind插件完成之前,不会调用Bind插件。 每个Bind插件均按配置顺序调用。 Bind插件可以选择是否处理给定的Pod。 如果Bind插件选择处理Pod,则会跳过其余的Bind插件。
import (
func main() {
// Register custom plugins to the scheduler framework.
// Later they can consist of scheduler profile(s) and hence
// used by various kinds of workloads.
command := app.NewSchedulerCommand(
app.WithPlugin(coscheduling.Name, coscheduling.New),
app.WithPlugin(qos.Name, qos.New),
if err := command.Execute(); err != nil {
app.WithPlugin用于注册out-of-tree插件,每个插件都必须定义一个构造函数并将其添加到硬编码的registry中。 有关构造函数args的更多信息,请参见可选参数。
// Option configures a framework.Registry.
// 输入参数是插件列表的map数据结构
type Option func(framework.Registry) error
// PluginFactory is a function that builds a plugin.
type PluginFactory = func(configuration *runtime.Unknown, f FrameworkHandle) (Plugin, error)
// WithPlugin creates an Option based on plugin name and factory. Please don't remove this function: it is used to register out-of-tree plugins,
// hence there are no references to it from the kubernetes scheduler code base.
// WithPlugin函数有两个参数,一个是插件名称,另一个是个工厂函数PluginFactory,返回一个有名函数Option
func WithPlugin(name string, factory framework.PluginFactory) Option {
return func(registry framework.Registry) error {
return registry.Register(name, factory)
// Registry is a collection of all available plugins. The framework uses a
// registry to enable and initialize configured plugins.
// All plugins must be in the registry before initializing the framework.
// 插件列表的map数据结构
type Registry map[string]PluginFactory
// Register adds a new plugin to the registry. If a plugin with the same name
// exists, it returns an error.
// 注册插件
func (r Registry) Register(name string, factory PluginFactory) error {
if _, ok := r[name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("a plugin named %v already exists", name)
r[name] = factory
return nil
实现插件API有两个步骤。 首先,插件必须注册并配置,然后才能使用扩展点接口。 扩展点接口具有以下形式。
// PluginFactory is a function that builds a plugin.
type PluginFactory = func(configuration *runtime.Unknown, f FrameworkHandle) (Plugin, error)
// Plugin is the parent type for all the scheduling framework plugins.
type Plugin interface {
Name() string
// QueueSortPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "QueueSort" plugins.
// These plugins are used to sort pods in the scheduling queue. Only one queue sort
// plugin may be enabled at a time.
type QueueSortPlugin interface {
// Less are used to sort pods in the scheduling queue.
Less(*PodInfo, *PodInfo) bool
// PreFilterPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "prefilter" plugins.
// These plugins are called at the beginning of the scheduling cycle.
type PreFilterPlugin interface {
// PreFilter is called at the beginning of the scheduling cycle. All PreFilter
// plugins must return success or the pod will be rejected.
PreFilter(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod) *Status
// PreFilterExtensions returns a PreFilterExtensions interface if the plugin implements one,
// or nil if it does not. A Pre-filter plugin can provide extensions to incrementally
// modify its pre-processed info. The framework guarantees that the extensions
// AddPod/RemovePod will only be called after PreFilter, possibly on a cloned
// CycleState, and may call those functions more than once before calling
// Filter again on a specific node.
PreFilterExtensions() PreFilterExtensions
// FilterPlugin is an interface for Filter plugins. These plugins are called at the
// filter extension point for filtering out hosts that cannot run a pod.
// This concept used to be called 'predicate' in the original scheduler.
// These plugins should return "Success", "Unschedulable" or "Error" in Status.code.
// However, the scheduler accepts other valid codes as well.
// Anything other than "Success" will lead to exclusion of the given host from
// running the pod.
type FilterPlugin interface {
// Filter is called by the scheduling framework.
// All FilterPlugins should return "Success" to declare that
// the given node fits the pod. If Filter doesn't return "Success",
// please refer scheduler/algorithm/predicates/error.go
// to set error message.
// For the node being evaluated, Filter plugins should look at the passed
// nodeInfo reference for this particular node's information (e.g., pods
// considered to be running on the node) instead of looking it up in the
// NodeInfoSnapshot because we don't guarantee that they will be the same.
// For example, during preemption, we may pass a copy of the original
// nodeInfo object that has some pods removed from it to evaluate the
// possibility of preempting them to schedule the target pod.
Filter(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) *Status
// PreScorePlugin is an interface for Pre-score plugin. Pre-score is an
// informational extension point. Plugins will be called with a list of nodes
// that passed the filtering phase. A plugin may use this data to update internal
// state or to generate logs/metrics.
type PreScorePlugin interface {
// PreScore is called by the scheduling framework after a list of nodes
// passed the filtering phase. All prescore plugins must return success or
// the pod will be rejected
PreScore(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodes []*v1.Node) *Status
// ScorePlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "score" plugins to rank
// nodes that passed the filtering phase.
type ScorePlugin interface {
// Score is called on each filtered node. It must return success and an integer
// indicating the rank of the node. All scoring plugins must return success or
// the pod will be rejected.
Score(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (int64, *Status)
// ScoreExtensions returns a ScoreExtensions interface if it implements one, or nil if does not.
ScoreExtensions() ScoreExtensions
// ReservePlugin is an interface for Reserve plugins. These plugins are called
// at the reservation point. These are meant to update the state of the plugin.
// This concept used to be called 'assume' in the original scheduler.
// These plugins should return only Success or Error in Status.code. However,
// the scheduler accepts other valid codes as well. Anything other than Success
// will lead to rejection of the pod.
type ReservePlugin interface {
// Reserve is called by the scheduling framework when the scheduler cache is
// updated.
Reserve(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string) *Status
// PreBindPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "prebind" plugins.
// These plugins are called before a pod being scheduled.
type PreBindPlugin interface {
// PreBind is called before binding a pod. All prebind plugins must return
// success or the pod will be rejected and won't be sent for binding.
PreBind(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string) *Status
// PostBindPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "postbind" plugins.
// These plugins are called after a pod is successfully bound to a node.
type PostBindPlugin interface {
// PostBind is called after a pod is successfully bound. These plugins are
// informational. A common application of this extension point is for cleaning
// up. If a plugin needs to clean-up its state after a pod is scheduled and
// bound, PostBind is the extension point that it should register.
PostBind(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string)
// UnreservePlugin is an interface for Unreserve plugins. This is an informational
// extension point. If a pod was reserved and then rejected in a later phase, then
// un-reserve plugins will be notified. Un-reserve plugins should clean up state
// associated with the reserved Pod.
type UnreservePlugin interface {
// Unreserve is called by the scheduling framework when a reserved pod was
// rejected in a later phase.
Unreserve(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string)
// PermitPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "permit" plugins.
// These plugins are called before a pod is bound to a node.
type PermitPlugin interface {
// Permit is called before binding a pod (and before prebind plugins). Permit
// plugins are used to prevent or delay the binding of a Pod. A permit plugin
// must return success or wait with timeout duration, or the pod will be rejected.
// The pod will also be rejected if the wait timeout or the pod is rejected while
// waiting. Note that if the plugin returns "wait", the framework will wait only
// after running the remaining plugins given that no other plugin rejects the pod.
Permit(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (*Status, time.Duration)
// BindPlugin is an interface that must be implemented by "bind" plugins. Bind
// plugins are used to bind a pod to a Node.
type BindPlugin interface {
// Bind plugins will not be called until all pre-bind plugins have completed. Each
// bind plugin is called in the configured order. A bind plugin may choose whether
// or not to handle the given Pod. If a bind plugin chooses to handle a Pod, the
// remaining bind plugins are skipped. When a bind plugin does not handle a pod,
// it must return Skip in its Status code. If a bind plugin returns an Error, the
// pod is rejected and will not be bound.
Bind(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, p *v1.Pod, nodeName string) *Status
// CycleState provides a mechanism for plugins to store and retrieve arbitrary data.
// StateData stored by one plugin can be read, altered, or deleted by another plugin.
// CycleState does not provide any data protection, as all plugins are assumed to be
// trusted.
type CycleState struct {
mx sync.RWMutex
storage map[StateKey]StateData
// if recordPluginMetrics is true, PluginExecutionDuration will be recorded for this cycle.
recordPluginMetrics bool
大多数插件函数将使用CycleState这个参数。 CycleState表示当前的调度上下文。
CycleState还提供类似于context.WithValue的API,可用于在不同扩展点的插件之间传递数据。多个插件可以共享状态或通过此机制进行通信。 仅在单个调度上下文中保留状态。值得注意的是,假定插件是受信任的。调度程序不会阻止一个插件访问或修改另一个插件的状态。(唯一的例外是QueueSort插件)
// PluginFactory is a function that builds a plugin.
type PluginFactory = func(configuration *runtime.Unknown, f FrameworkHandle) (Plugin, error)
// FrameworkHandle provides data and some tools that plugins can use. It is
// passed to the plugin factories at the time of plugin initialization. Plugins
// must store and use this handle to call framework functions.
type FrameworkHandle interface {
// SnapshotSharedLister returns listers from the latest NodeInfo Snapshot. The snapshot
// is taken at the beginning of a scheduling cycle and remains unchanged until
// a pod finishes "Permit" point. There is no guarantee that the information
// remains unchanged in the binding phase of scheduling, so plugins in the binding
// cycle (pre-bind/bind/post-bind/un-reserve plugin) should not use it,
// otherwise a concurrent read/write error might occur, they should use scheduler
// cache instead.
SnapshotSharedLister() schedulerlisters.SharedLister
// IterateOverWaitingPods acquires a read lock and iterates over the WaitingPods map.
IterateOverWaitingPods(callback func(WaitingPod))
// GetWaitingPod returns a waiting pod given its UID.
GetWaitingPod(uid types.UID) WaitingPod
// RejectWaitingPod rejects a waiting pod given its UID.
RejectWaitingPod(uid types.UID)
// ClientSet returns a kubernetes clientSet.
ClientSet() clientset.Interface
SharedInformerFactory() informers.SharedInformerFactory
// VolumeBinder returns the volume binder used by scheduler.
VolumeBinder() scheduling.SchedulerVolumeBinder
虽然CycleState提供与单个调度上下文有关的API,但是FrameworkHandle提供与插件的生命周期有关的API。 这就是插件如何获取客户端(kubernetes.Interface)和SharedInformerFactory或从调度程序的群集状态缓存读取数据的方式。 该句柄还将提供API以列出和批准或拒绝等待的Pod。
注:FrameworkHandle提供对kubernetes API服务器和调度程序内部缓存的访问。不能保证两者都是同步的,编写使用两者数据的插件时应格外小心。
要实现有用的功能,必须为插件提供对API服务器的访问权限,特别是当这些功能使用了调度程序通常不考虑的对象类型时。 提供SharedInformerFactory可使插件安全共享缓存。
// NewFramework initializes plugins given the configuration and the registry.
func NewFramework(r Registry, plugins *config.Plugins, args []config.PluginConfig, opts ...Option) (framework.Framework, error) {
options := defaultFrameworkOptions
for _, opt := range opts {
f := &frameworkImpl{
registry: r,
snapshotSharedLister: options.snapshotSharedLister,
pluginNameToWeightMap: make(map[string]int),
waitingPods: newWaitingPodsMap(),
clientSet: options.clientSet,
eventRecorder: options.eventRecorder,
informerFactory: options.informerFactory,
metricsRecorder: options.metricsRecorder,
profileName: options.profileName,
runAllFilters: options.runAllFilters,
f.preemptHandle = &preemptHandle{
extenders: options.extenders,
PodNominator: options.podNominator,
PluginsRunner: f,
if plugins == nil {
return f, nil
// get needed plugins from config
pg := f.pluginsNeeded(plugins)
pluginConfig := make(map[string]runtime.Object, len(args))
for i := range args {
name := args[i].Name
if _, ok := pluginConfig[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("repeated config for plugin %s", name)
pluginConfig[name] = args[i].Args
pluginsMap := make(map[string]framework.Plugin)
var totalPriority int64
for name, factory := range r {
// initialize only needed plugins.
if _, ok := pg[name]; !ok {
args, err := getPluginArgsOrDefault(pluginConfig, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting args for Plugin %q: %w", name, err)
p, err := factory(args, f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing plugin %q: %v", name, err)
pluginsMap[name] = p
// a weight of zero is not permitted, plugins can be disabled explicitly
// when configured.
f.pluginNameToWeightMap[name] = int(pg[name].Weight)
if f.pluginNameToWeightMap[name] == 0 {
f.pluginNameToWeightMap[name] = 1
// Checks totalPriority against MaxTotalScore to avoid overflow
if int64(f.pluginNameToWeightMap[name])*framework.MaxNodeScore > framework.MaxTotalScore-totalPriority {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("total score of Score plugins could overflow")
totalPriority += int64(f.pluginNameToWeightMap[name]) * framework.MaxNodeScore
for _, e := range f.getExtensionPoints(plugins) {
if err := updatePluginList(e.slicePtr, e.plugins, pluginsMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verifying the score weights again since Plugin.Name() could return a different
// value from the one used in the configuration.
for _, scorePlugin := range f.scorePlugins {
if f.pluginNameToWeightMap[scorePlugin.Name()] == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("score plugin %q is not configured with weight", scorePlugin.Name())
if len(f.queueSortPlugins) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no queue sort plugin is enabled")
if len(f.queueSortPlugins) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one queue sort plugin can be enabled")
if len(f.bindPlugins) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one bind plugin is needed")
return f, nil
// frameworkImpl is the component responsible for initializing and running scheduler
// plugins.
type frameworkImpl struct {
registry Registry
snapshotSharedLister framework.SharedLister
waitingPods *waitingPodsMap
pluginNameToWeightMap map[string]int
queueSortPlugins []framework.QueueSortPlugin
preFilterPlugins []framework.PreFilterPlugin
filterPlugins []framework.FilterPlugin
postFilterPlugins []framework.PostFilterPlugin
preScorePlugins []framework.PreScorePlugin
scorePlugins []framework.ScorePlugin
reservePlugins []framework.ReservePlugin
preBindPlugins []framework.PreBindPlugin
bindPlugins []framework.BindPlugin
postBindPlugins []framework.PostBindPlugin
permitPlugins []framework.PermitPlugin
clientSet clientset.Interface
eventRecorder events.EventRecorder
informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory
metricsRecorder *metricsRecorder
profileName string
preemptHandle framework.PreemptHandle
// Indicates that RunFilterPlugins should accumulate all failed statuses and not return
// after the first failure.
runAllFilters bool
// extensionPoint encapsulates desired and applied set of plugins at a specific extension
// point. This is used to simplify iterating over all extension points supported by the
// frameworkImpl.
type extensionPoint struct {
// the set of plugins to be configured at this extension point.
plugins *config.PluginSet
// a pointer to the slice storing plugins implementations that will run at this
// extension point.
slicePtr interface{}
func (f *frameworkImpl) getExtensionPoints(plugins *config.Plugins) []extensionPoint {
return []extensionPoint{
{plugins.PreFilter, &f.preFilterPlugins},
{plugins.Filter, &f.filterPlugins},
{plugins.PostFilter, &f.postFilterPlugins},
{plugins.Reserve, &f.reservePlugins},
{plugins.PreScore, &f.preScorePlugins},
{plugins.Score, &f.scorePlugins},
{plugins.PreBind, &f.preBindPlugins},
{plugins.Bind, &f.bindPlugins},
{plugins.PostBind, &f.postBindPlugins},
{plugins.Permit, &f.permitPlugins},
{plugins.QueueSort, &f.queueSortPlugins},
- 注册插件。
- 调度程序使用其配置来确定要实例化的插件。如果插件注册了多个扩展点,则仅实例化一次。
实例化插件时,将向其传递config args和FrameworkHandle。
在调度程序的主线程中,一次仅处理一个调度周期。在下一个调度周期开始之前,直至并包括保留的任何扩展点都将完成。在保留阶段之后,绑定周期将异步执行。 这意味着可以从两个不同的调度上下文中并发调用一个插件,前提是至少有一个调用要在reserve后到达扩展点。有状态的插件应谨慎处理这些情况。
调度程序的组件配置将enabled/disabled或以其他方式配置插件。 插件配置分为两部分。
- 每个扩展点已启用插件的列表(及其运行顺序)。 如果省略了这些列表之一,则将使用默认列表。
- 每个插件的一组可选的自定义插件参数。 省略插件的配置参数等效于使用该插件的默认配置。
插件配置由扩展点组织。 每个列表中都必须包含一个注册有多个要点的插件。
# k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.18.8/pkg/scheduler/apis/config/types.go
type KubeSchedulerConfiguration struct {
// ...
// Profiles are scheduling profiles that kube-scheduler supports. Pods can
// choose to be scheduled under a particular profile by setting its associated
// scheduler name. Pods that don't specify any scheduler name are scheduled
// with the "default-scheduler" profile, if present here.
Profiles []KubeSchedulerProfile
// Extenders are the list of scheduler extenders, each holding the values of how to communicate
// with the extender. These extenders are shared by all scheduler profiles.
Extenders []Extender
// KubeSchedulerProfile is a scheduling profile.
type KubeSchedulerProfile struct {
// SchedulerName is the name of the scheduler associated to this profile.
// If SchedulerName matches with the pod's "spec.schedulerName", then the pod
// is scheduled with this profile.
SchedulerName string
// Plugins specify the set of plugins that should be enabled or disabled.
// Enabled plugins are the ones that should be enabled in addition to the
// default plugins. Disabled plugins are any of the default plugins that
// should be disabled.
// When no enabled or disabled plugin is specified for an extension point,
// default plugins for that extension point will be used if there is any.
// If a QueueSort plugin is specified, the same QueueSort Plugin and
// PluginConfig must be specified for all profiles.
Plugins *Plugins
// PluginConfig is an optional set of custom plugin arguments for each plugin.
// Omitting config args for a plugin is equivalent to using the default config
// for that plugin.
PluginConfig []PluginConfig
// Plugins include multiple extension points. When specified, the list of plugins for
// a particular extension point are the only ones enabled. If an extension point is
// omitted from the config, then the default set of plugins is used for that extension point.
// Enabled plugins are called in the order specified here, after default plugins. If they need to
// be invoked before default plugins, default plugins must be disabled and re-enabled here in desired order.
type Plugins struct {
// QueueSort is a list of plugins that should be invoked when sorting pods in the scheduling queue.
QueueSort *PluginSet
// PreFilter is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "PreFilter" extension point of the scheduling framework.
PreFilter *PluginSet
// Filter is a list of plugins that should be invoked when filtering out nodes that cannot run the Pod.
Filter *PluginSet
// PreScore is a list of plugins that are invoked before scoring.
PreScore *PluginSet
// Score is a list of plugins that should be invoked when ranking nodes that have passed the filtering phase.
Score *PluginSet
// Reserve is a list of plugins invoked when reserving a node to run the pod.
Reserve *PluginSet
// Permit is a list of plugins that control binding of a Pod. These plugins can prevent or delay binding of a Pod.
Permit *PluginSet
// PreBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked before a pod is bound.
PreBind *PluginSet
// Bind is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "Bind" extension point of the scheduling framework.
// The scheduler call these plugins in order. Scheduler skips the rest of these plugins as soon as one returns success.
Bind *PluginSet
// PostBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked after a pod is successfully bound.
PostBind *PluginSet
// Unreserve is a list of plugins invoked when a pod that was previously reserved is rejected in a later phase.
Unreserve *PluginSet
// PluginSet specifies enabled and disabled plugins for an extension point.
// If an array is empty, missing, or nil, default plugins at that extension point will be used.
type PluginSet struct {
// Enabled specifies plugins that should be enabled in addition to default plugins.
// These are called after default plugins and in the same order specified here.
Enabled []Plugin
// Disabled specifies default plugins that should be disabled.
// When all default plugins need to be disabled, an array containing only one "*" should be provided.
Disabled []Plugin
// Plugin specifies a plugin name and its weight when applicable. Weight is used only for Score plugins.
type Plugin struct {
// Name defines the name of plugin
Name string
// Weight defines the weight of plugin, only used for Score plugins.
Weight int32
// PluginConfig specifies arguments that should be passed to a plugin at the time of initialization.
// A plugin that is invoked at multiple extension points is initialized once. Args can have arbitrary structure.
// It is up to the plugin to process these Args.
type PluginConfig struct {
// Name defines the name of plugin being configured
Name string
// Args defines the arguments passed to the plugins at the time of initialization. Args can have arbitrary structure.
Args runtime.Unknown
"plugins": {
"preFilter": [
"name": "PluginA"
"name": "PluginB"
"name": "PluginC"
"score": [
"name": "PluginA",
"weight": 30
"name": "PluginX",
"weight": 50
"name": "PluginY",
"weight": 10
"pluginConfig": [
"name": "PluginX",
"args": {
"favorite_color": "#326CE5",
"favorite_number": 7,
"thanks_to": "thockin"
指定enabled/disabled后,将仅启用特定扩展点的插件列表。 如果配置中省略了扩展点,则默认插件集将用于该扩展点。
变更评估单相关时,插件评估顺序由插件在配置中出现的顺序指定。 注册多个扩展点的插件在每个扩展点的顺序可以不同。
可选Args,插件可以使用任意结构从其配置接收参数。 由于一个插件可能出现在多个扩展点中,因此该配置位于PluginConfig的单独列表中。
"name": "ServiceAffinity",
"args": {
"LabelName": "app",
"LabelValue": "mysql"
func NewServiceAffinity(args *runtime.Unknown, h FrameworkHandle) (Plugin, error) {
if args == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot find service affinity plugin config")
if args.ContentType != "application/json" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot parse content type: %v", args.ContentType)
var config struct {
LabelName, LabelValue string
if err := json.Unmarshal(args.Raw, &config); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not parse args")
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/scheduling-framework/
- Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 扩展: 1. Coscheduling
- https://github.com/NJUPT-ISL/Yoda-Scheduler
